FNF vs Challeng-Edd

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Despite the fact that this version plays only one song, it is not as quickly boring as it may seem. So, on different levels of difficulty, the melody sounds differently, so even if you have passed the simple mode, where the beat is quite slow, try your hand at higher speeds. In this way, you will be able to discover this game from a new side for yourself. Also, it is important to notice the opponent with whom BF will meet in a dance fight. He is distinguished not only by his specific appearance, but also by his excellent artistic skills. From him you will get a charge of humor, because his emotions will not leave anyone indifferent.

The rules of the game are also as simple and clear as possible, you just need to follow the movement of the arrows and the moment they come into contact with static characters, feel free to click on the similar keys on the keyboard. The less you have mistakes, the more you get points. That way you can become the best dancer in the entire FNF universe. Start diving into the universe of the blue-haired guy and his girlfriend right now!

Game Control

- You can play the FNF vs Challeng-Edd game online for free, just wait while game is loading and then use the Arrow Keys or WASD to play.

- User the Enter button to start/pause the game or to choose items in menu.

- ESC to go back


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